Paw Prints
A blog by the friendly folks at Midland Humane Coalition
A blog by the friendly folks at Midland Humane Coalition
Here are some fun ways to celebrate National Love your Pet Day 1. Walking Tour Dogs love walks. It feels like Christmas morning to them when you put their leash on and open the great big door to the outside world. On this special day , forget that you’ve had a long day at work for an hour or two and go for a nice long walk with your pup! Got kids? Take them with you! It doesn’t even matter where you take them, he/she will absolutely love you for it. 2. Spa Treatment So maybe bathing isn’t high on your pet’s favorite activities. However, a clean pet is a happy, healthy one! Take your pet to a groomer for the full spa treatment. Or make it extra special for your pet by giving them a bath yourself! Your pet will adore all the attention coming from his/her favorite human — even though it involves that yucky tasting thing called soap. 3. Treats galore We all know how hard it is to say no to an adorably pouty furry face who’s dying for a treat. On this special day, feel free to indulge your pet and serve them some of their favorites. Give your dog some yummy beef sticks or treat your cat to some catnip - whatever their little hearts desire! Well, in moderation anyway. They will be so happy that they’ll be wondering what they did to deserve such delicious rewards! 4. Pet Playdate Pets love quality time with humans. Especially play time. Carve out an hour or two to play with your pet on this special day. Surprise your pet with a new toy! Or grab your pet’s favorite old toys and go nuts - balls, frisbees, plush toys, puzzles, etc. Play with them until their tongues are hanging out and they are panting and wheezing and spent. Your pet will be in absolute heaven! 5. Cuddle Time! It’s no secret that cats & dogs crave physical affection. They rub against us, nudge us, or stop, drop and roll over in front of us just to get a good ol’ fashion belly rub. On this special day, give them more than the usual everyday cuddles. Give them extra couch or bed time. And don’t forget to say the magic words that they love to hear “You’re a good dog/cat!”. 6. A World of New Experiences Pets love experiencing new things — with us by their side. Take your dog for a ride to a new park or hike new trails. Get your cat a new scratching post or climbing tree. Do something new with your pet and stimulate their senses! 7. Adopt a New Pet The ultimate way to celebrate this special day is to get a pet of your own to love or add another pet to your home! If it’s within your means, consider adopting a pet who needs a home. When you adopt, you are actually saving the pet’s life and changing your life in ways you'd never expected! Check out some of our adorable Adoptables on |
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November 2022
LocationJoe and Van Mabee Animal Rescue Center (ARC)
10210 W HWY 80 E Midland, TX 79706 Mailing Address PO BOX 53213 Midland, TX 79710 HOURS: M - Sun: 8am - 4pm (Closed for break 12-1pm) The ARC: 432-557-3405 Designed and Managed By: Acquire Tech