Lost & Found Pets
If you need help on how to deal with a lost or found pet, we have some resources that may help.
We all know that having a missing pet is a painful ordeal. As a community, we should help ensure the safe return of beloved pets to their rightful owners. Doing so will help reduce the stray pet population in the city. It will also save lives and a lot of broken hearts.
How can we help you?
The internet is your best tool in reuniting a lost or found pet with its owner.
Websites where you can post a lost/found pet's information:
- pawboost.com - *highly recommended for Midland/Odessa area
- nextdoor.com
- petkey.org
- lostmydoggie.com
- lostmykitty.com
- thecenterforlostpets.com
- lostandfound.com
- fidofinder.com
- PetFBI.org
- mylostpetalert.com
Best local Facebook Pages where you can post lost & found pets in Midland & area:
- Pets Around Midland TX
- Lost & Found Dogs, Cats and Other Pets of Midland, TX
- Petspotters
- Speaking Up for Those Who Can’t
- MASA - Midland Animal Shelter Adoptables
- Midland/Odessa Texas Lost And Found Pets
- Midland TX Rescue Dogs
- SHOW ME YOUR PITTIES....Animal Lovers United of the Permian Basin
- West Texas Animal Advocates
- West Texas Pet Detectives
- Perky Paws Rescue